As Long as the Grass, an exhibit by Lindsey french

Experience a new way of seeing plants in this multimedia exhibit by Lindsey french.
With the use of still images and videos, visiting artist Lindsey french presents As Long as the Grass, an exhibit of interdisciplinary artwork through the lens of phytovision. Phytovision, as both a practice of perception and a plant-oriented media, is an experiment to destabilize the primacy of human vision. french’s work is displayed as high frame-rate videos filtered for plant perception, Cyanotypes made with UV lights, and poetry written in collaboration with trees.
About the Artist
Lindsey french is an interdisciplinary artist and educator whose plant-oriented work takes many forms, including texts written in collaboration with trees, scent transmissions, and videos made for plant perception. She has shared her work nationally in museums and galleries including the Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago) and the International Museum of Surgical Science (Chicago), Pratt Manhattan Gallery (New York), and in conjunction with the International Symposium of Electronics Arts (Albuquerque and Vancouver). She currently teaches as Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Studio Arts at the University of Pittsburgh.
As both a practice of perception and a plant-oriented media, Phytovision is an experiment to destabilize the primacy of human vision. High frame-rate video filtered for plant perception displays to the viewer a slowed down image of plant time. Many plants perceive light within the blue and red spectrum of visible light. The videos themselves are filtered for these areas of the visible light spectrum that are perceivable to most plants.
Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. Along with the use of UV light, the process uses two chemicals: ferric ammonium citratre and potassium ferricyanide. It was adopted as a copying technique, becoming known by the term “blueprint”, with its blue background reproductions of large architectural and mechanical drawings.
Photos © Lindsey french