Virtual Stories with Santa

Join us for a virtual story with Santa himself on select evenings this holiday season!
Children are invited to join us for a special free Phipps Story Time session with Santa this holiday season! Santa will be reading a book to children on select evenings from Nov. 29 – Dec. 22. Join in on a story time session to enjoy a winter-themed tale from the man in the big red suit as a special holiday treat. Learn more about the books and choose a time to join us below!
Featured Books
The Mitten: A Ukrainian Folktale
(Read by Santa in Tuesday sessions)
Retold and illustrated by Jan Brett
When Nicki drops his white mitten in the snow, he goes on without realizing that it is missing. One by one, woodland animals find the mitten and crawl in; first a curious mole, then a rabbit, a badger and others. Join us to hear what happens next!
The Polar Bear Who Saved Christmas
(Read by Santa in Thursday sessions)
Written by Fiona Boon and illustrated by Clare Fennell
When Pip the polar bear is woken up in the middle of winter by a strange jingling sound, he sets off into the snow to find out what it is. Learn what he discovers in this charming and delightful story.
ASL Interpretation Thurs., Dec. 15
We are pleased to announce that Santa will be accompanied by ASL interpreter Jennifer Flaggs for both performances on Thurs., Dec. 15. Jennifer has been an interpreter for twenty-five years and currently instructs and coordinates the ASL-English Interpreting Program at the Community College of Allegheny County. She earned her Master's degree in Special Education from the University of Pittsburgh, where she received her ASL training from the late (and great) Karen Walkney Mrdjenovich. She currently splits her time between Pittsburgh and the New River Gorge where she works in season as a rock-climbing guide and can be found in the wild often with her dog, Yogi.
Virtual Stories with Santa is free to attend! Please R.S.V.P. by selecting a time using the buttons below and you will receive an email with a Zoom link to participate.
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