
Volunteer Spotlight: Patty Jones
Phipps is well-known for our beautiful gardens, seasonal flower shows, pioneering sustainability initiatives, informative educational programs and community outreach. None of our work, however, would be possible without the knowledge and dedication of our volunteers. In this series of profiles, we meet some of the people who give their time to make Phipps possible.
Patty Jones began her discovery of the natural world after marrying a gardener in 1992! Both Patty and her spouse worked jobs that required moving around which allowed her to get exposed to a variety of ecosystems. She says, "I have had the good fortune of being surrounded by curious children and a spouse who likes to dig in the dirt."
Since 2017, Patty has been volunteering at Phipps and even completed the Master Gardener program in 2018! During the program, Patty says, “My personal project was the redesign and planting of a local Post Office public space that reduced invasive plants and centered on native plants suitable to the conditions.”
For Patty, no two days of volunteering are alike. She says, “I have worked with the Center for Sustainable Landcare outdoors weeding invasives with the mindset of decluttering. I have worked on show install and breakdown which gives a sense of pride and urgency to producing something for the public to behold. I have worked on planting seedlings in the Greenhouse which makes one feel like you are preparing for the future. I have also joined the Sustainable Landcare Outreach team in doing presentations to garden clubs, dependent care home and libraries. We even have a book club!”
Her favorite part of volunteering is being able to expand her own knowledge while sharing resources with those who share her interest of plants. If you’re curious about the full circle of natural systems from plant selection to water and pest control, Patty is happy to talk to you on your next visit!